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Open Mic (With buddies!)
11 Feb 17:00
Until 11 Feb, 23:00 6h

Open Mic (With buddies!)


We invite you to Tankstation for a delicious meal and an opportunity to climb our stage and express yourself! You're welcome from 17:00 to 23:00 for exciting art, a shared meal from our vegetarian world kitchen, and more!

We will also be welcoming new people this night who will be joining us from the Buddy Programme:

The Buddy programme is a programme run by the International Student Organisation ESN Twente and the Student Union. It is designed to help new incoming students adapt to their new lives in the Netherlands. It is aimed at building an international community which provides both EU and non-EU students a safe space to voice their opinions, integrate themselves in a new society, embrace new cultures, all while having fun. People from various countries come to Enschede and experience the so-called culture shock and find it difficult to break through barriers to ingratiate with the Dutch community, which is quite natural when you think of it, given that they are in a completely different environment away from their home country. That is where, we, the Buddy Committee strive to make a difference.

New students will be matched with ‘Buddies’ that have lived in the Netherlands for at least 6 months for the first 4 weeks of the semester. The Buddies will share their experience with new students and attend events together. The events are of different types and will be held over the course of the Buddy Programme that will allow new students to meet new people and find their way in Enschede.



Come and try the flavours of our vegetarian cuisine, prepared with much love by our chefs and volunteers! Your chef of the night is Loura and the menu includes:

  • Bulgur with chickpeas
  • Baked vegetables
  • Spaghetti
  • Tabbouli salad
  • Baklava


Our restaurant is on reservation basis only. Want to join us for dinner? Make a reservation here! The evening program is open and free of charge.